I am 28, based in London and since graduating with a BA in Illustration in 2008 I have been the director of People of Print where I have worked with thousands of illustrators, designers and other companies to create exhibitions, workshops, lectures and other creative events.
When did you decide you wanted to start People of Print?
I started People of Print as a website during my university course at Brighton as a place to bookmark all of my favourite creatives who use print in their work. The response to the website was incredible and I had people sending me prints and other amazing things in the post to be considered for the website. This naturally progressed into exhibitions and curated live events, for example, Pick Me Up, printing at the V&A Museum and the Design Museum amongst other workshops, lectures and talks at KK Outlet, LCC and Levi’s Regent St store.
Would you recommend studying at art school?
I was lucky to be at University when the fees were a third of the current cost, but regardless of the price of tuition fees, I think there is a lot to learn and take from art school. I had a fantastic time at University and had access to endless amounts of brilliant facilities, particularly the print rooms. I would personally recommend art school because that is where I met a great bunch of people who are all working in a similar field, however there are alternative ways to achieve what is attainable from art school without having a huge debt looming over your head. I guess it really depends on what art school and whether you think it is right for yourself.
How long was it before illustration became your primary form of income?
I was very lucky to get a number of commissions whilst I was at University so be can to pay my way whilst I was a student. I then went onto do an internship in New York, resulting in pursuing my career as the director of People of Print.
Could you describe your typical day?
It really depends on what jobs we have on the go. Generally speaking I hit the studio and read all of my emails, try to respond or flag them. People of Print has branched into various different areas including a shop featuring various artists www.department-store.co along side offering a bespoke printing and consultation service. We are currently working on our new magazine, ‘Print Isn’t Dead’ alongside a book for Thames & Hudson titled ‘People of Print’ and a book for Kuvva showcasing all of their illustration talent. This generally means lots of liaising with the clients, getting print quotes alongside collecting content and laying out the publications.
What do you wish you’d know when you first started out?
How to run a business.
What’s the best thing about being working for yourself in a creative field?
Best: You can’t put a price on being your own boss. It’s fantastic, but lots of responsibilities come with it.
If you weren’t a director of a company, what would you be?
A farmer.
Any other tips you could share?
If you can’t be good, be safe.