Questioning Creatives


This article was written on 16 Jun 2014, and is filled under illustrators.

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Jessica Procter

Jessica Procter

I’m a 23-year-old illustrator and designer-maker about to graduate from the London College of Communication. I’m just starting out in my career, although I had a year in industry before my third year, which was amazing and allowed me to intern and gain experience in most of the areas I wanted to explore as a career. I discovered I really enjoyed the children’s publishing world and designing my own products so I hope to get into both these areas in the future.

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When did you decide you wanted to be illustrator?
I’ve always wanted a creative job, it wasn’t until the beginning of my second year I realised I was an illustrator more than a graphic designer.

Would you recommend studying at art school?
I want to say yes because it helped me explore my style and experiment with materials, the best thing about art school is the facilities. But with the fees being so high now and so many amazing illustrators emerging that are self taught I don’t think its essential.

How long was it before illustration became your primary form of income?
It’s not yet, I’m only just about to graduate. But hopefully one day it will be!

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Could you describe your typical day?
Wake up have breakfast check my emails and start a list of things to do for the day, then I work my way down the list. Each day is a bit different depending on what needs to be done which makes work never dull. I work till pretty late and reflect on how much I’ve managed to tick off!

What do you wish you’d know when you first started out?
I wish I’d known the business side of art and design. I know I haven’t officially started out but it’s already apparent that the business and legal side is just as important as the creative side.

What’s the best thing about being an illustrator?
I love the initial experimentation at the being of a project and that feeling when you finish a piece of work.

What’s the worst thing about being an illustrator?
The worrying and doubting your self that you’re any good or how you’re going to make money from your art.

7 new product range

If you weren’t an illustrator, what would you be?
I probably would have gone into product styling or photography. Definitely something still in the creative field.

Any other tips you could share?
Use social media to promote your self as much as possible, it’s free and a great way to keep connected with what’s happening industry. Also if you can afford to do a couple of internships do them! They will help you build a portfolio separate from your uni portfolio. I also find keeping a blog helps me keep track of my work and helps me realise just how much I’ve accomplished and not to worry so much!

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